Sunday, December 29, 2019
Simple Conjugations for the French Verb Baigner
In French, baigner means to bathe someone else. Its used in a different context than laver (to wash) and mouiller (to wet, drench). For instance, you would use baigner le chien when you want to say to bathe the dog. This is a rather useful verb to learn and conjugating it to the present, past, and future tenses is relatively easy. The following lesson will guide you through the many forms of baigner. Conjugating the French Verb Baigner First of all, the pronunciation of baigner is not [bag-ner] as the GN creates a softer sound. You can hear it in champagne and une baignoire (bathtub). Once you get the pronunciation correct, youll be happy to know that the conjugations of baigner follow the pattern of a regular -ER verb. This means that if you can conjugate common verbs like adorer (to adore) and dà ©clarer (to declare), you can use those same endings in these verb forms. To do this, simply pair the subject pronoun with the appropriate tense needed for your sentence. For instance, I bathe is je baigne and we will bathe is nous baignerons. Subject Present Future Imperfect je baigne baignerai baignais tu baignes baigneras baignais il baigne baignera baignait nous baignons baignerons baignions vous baignez baignerez baigniez ils baignent baigneront baignaient What is the Present Participle of Baigner The present participle of baigner is baignant. Notice how this transformation is done by replacing the -er ending with -ant, which is equivalent to the English -ing. Baigners Past Participle and Passà © Composà © The past participle of this verb is baignà ©. It is used along with an auxiliary verb to create the common past tense of passà © composà ©. The auxiliary verb avoir needs to be conjugated, though the past participle remains the same no matter which subject pronoun you use. As an example, I bathed is jai baignà ©. Similarly, we bathed is nous avons baignà ©. More Useful Conjugations of Baigner There are a few other verb forms you may need from time to time. Of these, the subjunctive and conditional are most common and each implies a level of uncertainty to the action. For the conditional, the action of bathing may or may not happen depending on the circumstances. You may not use or see the passà © simple or the imperfect subjunctive very often. These are often reserved for formal French writing, though you should be able to recognize their association with baigner. Subject Subjunctive Conditional Passà © Simple Imperfect Subjunctive je baigne baignerais baignai baignasse tu baignes baignerais baignas baignasses il baigne baignerait baigna baignà ¢t nous baignions baignerions baignà ¢mes baignassions vous baigniez baigneriez baignà ¢tes baignassiez ils baignent baigneraient baignà ¨rent baignassent One last conjugation is important to note for baigner. The imperative is used in direct requests and demands and there is no need to use the subject pronoun. For these instances, simplify nous baignons to baignons. Imperative (tu) baigne (nous) baignons (vous) baignez
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