Thursday, November 28, 2019
A Scandal in Bohemia Essays
A Scandal in Bohemia Essays A Scandal in Bohemia Essay A Scandal in Bohemia Essay The way Arthur Conan Doyle sets up the plot helps to create and sustain suspense. In the story, A Scandal in Bohemia, Conan Doyle has used Holmes skills to create a plot in which the readers dont know exactly how the plot is going to unravel. You must not interfere, come what may. You understand? I am to be neutral? To do nothing whatever. There will probably be some unpleasantness. Do not join in. (Quote taken from A Scandal in Bohemia Pg. 25) this is where Holmes doesnt unravel what hes going to do exactly to Watson. In all three of the stories, Holmes doesnt unravel everything he knows to Watson, only when the time is right and Holmes has got somewhere in his mystery will he unravel what he has found out, this creates and suspense. Dr Watson feels the same way as the audience and this is what effects the readers, the audience doesnt know what relevance some stunts pulled by Holmes are. Holmes, with his skill of disguise turns into an old man and hire people to start a fight, this is what interests the audience as when its revealed, the readers are amazed how Holmes though of such a thing to do. When Holmes asks if Watson minds breaking the law, the readers know something thrilling is going to take place. You dont mind breaking the law? Not in the least Nor running a chance of arrest? Not in a good cause Oh, the cause is excellent! Then I am you man. (quote taken from A Scandal in Bohemia Pg. 24) Holmes doesnt explain what hes going to do in detail, the details he gives are vague but is enough information to create and sustain suspense. At this moment, readers may pause and try solving the mysteries themselves. In The Speckled Band when Sherlock Holmes is examining the bedroom, he senses that something is unusual about the room. He states a few points singling them out, the audience want to know what importance the things Holmes points out. Arthur Conan Doyle wanted to drop drop little hints to the readers who were trying to crack the mystery. Theses hints were here to ensure the readers interet, Conan Doyle sustained suspense as the magazines were issues on a weekly basis. The readers are also involved into the story as well, the little hints that Holmes gives, gets the readers guessing. Here are a few quotes taken from The Speckled Band where Holmes feels theres something unusual about the bell pull. Where does that bell communicate with? Why, its a dummy. No, its not even attached to a wire. This is very interesting. You can see now that it is fastened to a hook just above where the little opening of the ventilator is. He sums up the bell pull in two words Very strange! This is a sign in the story where the readers may think that Holmes is getting somewhere in the mystery. He has locked his focus onto a few things, this helps him to deduce how the ladys step-daughter got murdered.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Top 10 Ways To Improve Your Daily Commute That You Hate
Top 10 Ways To Improve Your Daily Commute That You Hate Commuting can be terrible- an annoying, uncomfortable waste of time. But it is also an opportunity to multitask in your busy life. Whether you’re driving or taking public transport (or even walking or biking), here are 10 ways you can turn a negative into a positive. 1. Listen to PodcastsTake a little downtime and catch up on all the reading you aren’t doing. Try a podcast or even an audiobook (on headphones or your car stereo). Your commute time will fly by and you’ll learn stuff! Plus you’ll get all the pleasure of reading without having to have your hands free.2. Discover New MusicBored of your same old Spotify playlists? Tired of your music and not sure where to turn for your new favorite tunes? Use your commute to try new artists. If you have wi-fi access while commuting, try a streaming station. If not, make a list of bands you hear about on the radio or at work and look for them on Spotify and download a playlist to your phone. If you like it, keep it! If not, delete!3. Practice Self CareYour commute might be the only time you have â€Å"to yourself†in the week. Make yourself a priority and do something for your mental well being. Try doing gratitude journaling exercises, or just thinking about things that are going really well in your life. Try a simple meditation technique. Or deep breathing. Try giving yourself time to read something for pleasure and tune the rest of the world out- provided you don’t miss your stop. Or use the time to connect via phone or email (provided you aren’t driving) to a friend or family member you don’t get to see enough. If all else fails, just try to decompress a bit and cut your stress.4. Leave Earlier So You Can Slow DownGive yourself a little extra time so you’re not always racing to be on time. If you know you can take your time, you can linger a bit and smell the roses, so to speak- or the coffee! Take a moment to sit and sip a latte. Or enjoy not being pa nicked when you run into traffic. Slowing down a little can really be a grounding way to start your day.5. Check in With Your Work ProgressMaybe evaluating your progress weekly is too daunting a task. But if you’re stuck on a train or in traffic, you can always do a little self-review and see how you did meeting your goals that day. And strategize how you can improve tomorrow. Make sure you’re actually working through your top priorities, and not just spending your day on less important stuff.6. Mix Up Your Route Once in a WhileIf your commute is too long or annoying, try to find a better workaround! Thinking outside your rut can actually give your brain a boost, and you might just find a way to make your life that much more pleasant! Keep in mind a longer route that’s less annoying or has fewer stops could make all the difference.7. Brainstorm Solutions to Your ProblemsUse the time to brainstorm or troubleshoot problems at home or at work. Take advantage of being alone with your own thoughts and start strategizing. You never know, the next big answer might come while you’re just spacing out and giving your brain a break.8. Sit in SilenceMaybe your life moves too fast and you’re already optimizing every waking moment to get the most out of your time. Maybe you read and listen and engage too much. Maybe you try to cram too much in. Try turning off your phone, your music, putting away that book or magazine and just sit there not doing anything at all. Concentrate only on getting where you need to go safely. You and your fellow commuters will all benefit.9. MeditateBe present in the moment. You don’t need special props or techniques. Just be where you are, take a few breaths, and maybe shut your eyes. Give your brain the recharge it deserves.10. Ask If You Can Skip ItAll that said, if you have the opportunity to work remotely, or could convince your boss, then you wouldn’t have to commute every day. Make the argument about how much more productive you could be in that time. It’s always worth a shot! If that’s not an option, consider moving closer, or carpooling. Anything to condense or cut out this part of your daily grind.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Health Care Paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Health Care - Research Paper Example According to Frontline video there is need to focus on other healthcare systems with an aim of drawing comparison. The United Kingdom healthcare system is unique in that the governments pays for healthcare and are responsible for the national health services. This enables affordable healthcare to all while exempting the old and the young from payment related to drugs. In the case of Germany, citizens are allowed to purchase their insurance cover from private companies. This is positive in the sense that people are at liberty to choose an insurance cover that suits their needs. In Japan, the government ensures each individual has an insurance cover in that the employers enroll its employees to a suitable insurance company. The employee is required to pay a large amount of the required premiums those unemployed are enrolled in government plan. In Taiwan, the government monopolizes the health insurance hence minimizing healthcare cartels. The mandatory government insurance plan ensures low cost of drugs as well as a subsidized healthcare. In Switzerland, the country subsidizes healthcare services for lower income earners. This is an effort of ensuring that the healthcare system is accessible to all. The cost of healthcare service is a major concern. In Switzerland, the amount of premium paid is slightly below $ 800. Citizens pay the premium amount totally and no exemption is given to citizens. The Germany case is such that the private sector is given more powers in matters insurance. The model applied by the country may be ineffective to those of low incomes. In Taiwan lack of competitor in social insurance would imply that the government may fail to regulate standards in the healthcare. In Japan there is need to focus on limited government participation in healthcare service provision. The private sector solemnly controls the health sector thus government lacks
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
International relations Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4500 words
International relations - Assignment Example For instance, in 1990, China maintained a fledgling securities market as a result of Chinese government influence and control over domestic businesses. However, with more incentives being offered to foreign companies for foreign direct investment in China, now the securities market is valued at over one trillion RMB (Liang & Useem, 2009). Advances in Chinese industry (and other developing nations) have improved their gross domestic product and enhanced government economic strength. This has given other nations, other than the hegemonic United States, more authority in military development and economic strength which alters diplomatic and other political strategies rather than having a dominant U.S. dictate international policy. Furthermore, with the development of the World Trade Organization, the interests of free trade between nations (which contributes to economic health of foreign states) have created more multilateral agreements that are of benefit to all member nations. This, too, challenges the dominance of the United States as a global hegemonic authority. As more foreign nations begin to recognize the advantages of adopting neoliberal policies directed at supporting a more capitalistic system, the economic advantages and military advantages once held by the United States are challenged by more stable governments and economic systems in foreign states. Religion is a factor that challenges success in all aspects of globalization. Islam, as one example, maintains a mass following in many Middle Eastern nations. Religion, however, can challenge the power of the state through membership volume and restricting foreign direct investment by many businesses looking for new market entry as a result of conflict over product and service philosophy. This reduces economic security of hegemonic states by slowing FDI that brings substantial government
Monday, November 18, 2019
Article Review (advertising) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Article Review (advertising) - Essay Example There are advertisements on the streets, on magazines, newspapers, debit or credit cards, televisions and radio stations, wall, buses, train stations, and all sorts of media forms. With this amount of advertisements, people are almost immune to their intended effect (Poynor, 2006). This paper aims to demonstrate that when people see the advertisements repeatedly, they get used to them, and become disinterested. Some of them may see the advertisements and assume they were intended for them to buy the product. Consumers get irritated and may no longer want to look at the adverts. Other consumers are now used to the advertisements, that they no longer consider them important. Take an example of an ATM card that a consumer uses for various purposes. The adverts printed on the card, like the brand names and logos, are expected to remind the customer, and entice others. These prints in the cards are no longer recognized, and consumers generalize such cards as either debit or credit cards, without much consideration of the brands, companies and difference in services (Poynor, 2006). The aim of advertisement has lost meaning. This paper will show this through a description of the effect of too many advertisements that people are exposed to, as described in Poynor’s article. In order to show how the purpose of advertisement is lost, it is important to know the purpose of an advertisement. There are various purposes of advertisements. The common aim, however, is to inform the consumer about a service or a product, so that the consumer can purchase the product. This contributes to increased sales. Advertisements do more than just informing the consumer. Advertisement can serve as a means of convincing the consumer to buy the product, a means of reminding the consumer that the product or service still exists, and a way of showing off what the company has got, and educating the consumers about the product or service. Parameswaran (2004) indicates that
Friday, November 15, 2019
The Critical Contextual Studies Media Essay
The Critical Contextual Studies Media Essay Marshall McLuhan wrote of existing in the age of re-tribalised man and residing in the global village. Throughout my research I will examine these concepts in relation to the effects of modern media, especially television and the internet, and how it has changed the way we communicate with others around the world. Canadian born theorist Marashall McLuhan (1911-1980) was an English graduate turned media analisist. His first Popular book the mechanical bride looked at advertising and it was a ground breaking piece of writing as it was the first time that anyone had ever studied advertisments as a form of communication, from then McLuhan had the concept that the content of the media was irrelevant, but the form of which the media took was the importance the medium is the message. The telephone for example as a medium has significant impact on our enviroment and the way we live and communicate however the conversation we have on the telephone affects very few people just as what we print is nothing to the effect of the idea of the printed word. This can be better explained in another quote from McLuhan: the content of a medium is like a juicey piece of meat by the burgular to distract the watchdog of the mindà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦The effects of technology do not occur at the level of opinions or concepts, but alter sense ratios or patterns of perception steadily and without rissistance he recoginised and understood the power of media and argued how it plays an important part in shaping and structuring human culture in terms of the way we communicate and the way we experience the world. we shape our tools and then our tools shape us McLuhan also saw the importance of new media technologies as new media brings new forms of communication. Mcluhan formed the concept of hot media and cool media: In this theory McLuhan gave the lable of hot media to forms of media that stimulate only one of the human senses whilst interacting with it, for example he suggests listeing to the radio or reading a book, watching a film, Viewing a photograph or sitting in a lecture require one sense. However cool media requires more active partisipation this form of media can be Conversation, television, telephone, comics, the seminar. he belives the electonic age offers a more diverse multi sensory environment, he claims we use more of our senses with multimedia rather than singlular media and this makes us more true to our natural state. In this theory Mcluhan looks simplistically to the physical interaction in terms of senses and doesnt acknowledge the engagment the singular media has to our imagination or to our sentiment. Although McLuhan is incredibley insightful he does get critised for not leaving room for evaluation, he looks generally and broadly not looking at individuality or things suc h as values; as indicated in a dibate with Norman Mailer 1968. Re-tribalised Man McLuhan had another theory were he defined three ages of man, separated according to the means of the form of communication (media) used and which of our senses is involed. In this theory McLuhan identifies the first age was the preliterate or tribal era Where the spoken word was the main way to communicate and our hearing was our most important sense, He also identified the second age is the gutenberg Age where the main media was the written word (print) and our sight became more important than our hearing. McLuhan then goes on to suggest the third age is the electronic age of the re-tribalized Man where all our senses are involved in the interaction to the form of media. Mcluhan doesnt suggest the book or the print is not still important, there is just a shift in the nature of the book; by this he means there is change with how we interact with books and how much we depend on it. As the book before digital media was the sourse of all our information about the world and each other. before the book we relied on verbal communication to exchange information to and from each other, it was a communal interactive experience where as the book is a very private experience and he sees we are shifting back to a more social interactive way of sharing information. Mcluhan compares the writen word to an assembley line where words like parts are moving in one diraction and assembled one part at a time and he speaks of how at the time the assembley line has changed where its no longer one component at a time its now as many parts delivered mechanically all at once where ever possible. he says you relise its no longer a line but an open field , He also talkes of the tribal man in this quote The world is like a continually sounding tribal drum constantly bangingà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ the princess gets married in London bang bang bang we hear about ità ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦. Global Village McLuhan saw technology as having become an extension of our senses. McLuhan saw the Radio or Telephone as an extension of the ear and Television and Computer as being the extension of our eyes. These technologies allowed us to project our senses beyond our limited physical range. He saw the pace of which we can communicate through electronic media is parallel to the speed of our senses. Through technology such as the telephone, television, computer systems and the Internet, we are able to Interact with people across the world as quickly as it would take us to contact and converse with the people who inhabit the same physical space as us (i.e the people that live in the same village). To understand what McLuhan means with the term global village we need to identify what he meant by village in this metaphor. In a sense the village represents a small environment in which people can easily communicate and interact quickly and know of all the events that takes place. As McLuhan writes: Time has ceased, space has vanished. We now live in a global village a simultaneous happening McLuhan is communicating the idea that through our extended senses we can now share and experience things on a global scale, we can share things with people on the other side of the world, as if we were with people in the same physical space. McLuhan also saw the global village as a potentially invasive community in an interview McLuhan says: the global village isnt a place where you have harmony. It has extreme concern in everyone elses business and much involvement in everyone elses life. it means huge involvement in everyones affairsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ The global village is as big as a planet and as small as a village post office. In many senses I think McLuhan was very insightful when talking about the global village to the shift into the digital age of which we live today, particularly when analyzing the quote above and applying it to social media such as Facebook . On sites like Facebook there is constant dramas and bickering whether this is caused by over sharing some information or people digging into someone elses information, so we can see validation in McLuhans quote. However there are many good qualities to social media too such as being instantly connected to friends and family across the world. I can also see that McLuhan also had something in his idea about certain medias being an extension of our physical selves, although he did not mean it literally one can see that todays generation are constantly attached to their mobile phones, although its not actually physically part of us we are rarely without it as if it were a detachable appendage. The device is kept at hand like a pair of glasses. I think McLuhan is not only correct when talking about the computer or telephone but also television, I think it can allow us to experience the world and some situations as close as we can without physically being there, like living life looking through a window we get to see what world wide tragedies are being broadcast in the news as if we were there viewing it for ourselves. With television we can get to experience a reality from a distance.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Boosting Chicagos Economy through the Chicago First Procurement Ordina
In an effort to strengthen the economy of Chicago, Mayor Rahm Emanuel introduced the â€Å"Chicago first†procurement ordinance, to the city council. The ordinance was presented to the council on Jan 18, 2012. The ordinance is being co-sponsored by 27th Ward Alderman Walter Burnett. ( looking at this from the beginning what is Procurement. Procurement is a contract agreement in which a buyer agrees to acquire goods or services from a seller in exchange for consideration for future business contracts. An ordinance is a law typically at the city level. The â€Å"Chicago First†ordinance will create a public-private partnership between the city of Chicago and local businesses. The ordinance will not do this through direct funding to a particular business, but to serve as helping with development of business in the local community. â€Å"City Hall should not be a barrier to Chicago’s local businesses’ growth and ability to succeed in this economy. When Chicago companies get business in Chicago – they stay in Chicago, and so do the jobs they provide,†said Mayor Emanuel. ( The â€Å"Chicago First†ordinance will provide local manufacturing and service industry benefits on contracts. ( The new law will do this by giving local companies an edge over out-of-town organizations when there are similar bids. ( "If everything else is equal, it is in the best interests of Chicago taxpayers to award a contract to a local company that has chosen to run it business here, employ Chicagoans and contribute tax revenue to the city.†Said Emanuel ( In other words the new law will help business and taxpayers of the city. The reason behind the Mayor... ... do this is through giving business more of an incentive to be here. Doing this will create jobs, which in turn will create more revenue for the city. The ordinance has support from the business community and will probably receive support from the public. This is a good decision by the Mayor to pursue, because the ordinance will help reinvest in Chicago and its citizens. The legislation promises to be transparent when or if implementation of this law occurs. Works Cited
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